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PortfolioNight in Berlin!

Die PortfolioNight kommt nach Deutschland! Aus dem Pressetext ist folgendes zu entnehmen:»If you are a student, recent graduate, or junior with an advertising portfolio you should attend Portfolio Night 5. To purchase your ticket please select


Die PortfolioNight kommt nach Deutschland! Aus dem Pressetext ist folgendes zu entnehmen:

»If you are a student, recent graduate, or junior with an advertising portfolio you should attend Portfolio Night 5. To purchase your ticket please select your city from the list on the right and follow the appropriate link. Tickets to Portfolio Night vary in price depending on the city. Please purchase your ticket with plenty of anticipation! Every year many cities sell out way ahead of the night.«

Folgende Hochkaräter der deutschen Kreativbranche werden über das Portfolio schauen:

Amir Kassaei / Chief Creative Officer / DDB Group Germany
Stefan Schulte / Creative Director / DDB Berlin
Bert Peulecke / Creative Director / DDB Berlin
Eric Schoeffler / Executive Creative Director / DDB Düsseldorf GmbH
Kurt Georg Dieckert / Chief Creative Officer / TBWA
Kai Röffen / Executive Creative Director / TBWA Düsseldorf
Alex Römer / Creative Director / Römer Wildberger
Thomas Wildberger / Creative Director / Römer Wildberger
Mathias Stiller / Creative Director / Jung von Matt
Arno Lindemann / Executive Creative Director / Jung von Matt
Wolfgang Schneider / Creative Director / Jung von Matt
Ralf Nolting / Creative Director / Grabarz & Partner
Martin Kießling / Creative Director / GBK Heye
Christian Seifert / Creative Director / Ogilvy & Mather
Heiko Schmidt / Creative Director / Scholz & Friends
André Aimaq / Chief Creative Officer / Aimaq Rapp Stolle
Florian Grimm / Executive Creative Director / Grimm Gallun Holtappels
Mirko Vasata / Executive Creative Director / VASATA | SCHRÖDER
Mathias Jahn / Executive Creative Director / Draft FCB
Constantin Kaloff / Creative Director / Scholz & Friends
Jürgen Vossen / Executive Creative Director / Heimat Werbeagentur
Peter Hirrlinger / Executive Creative Director / Heye & Partner

Weitere Informationen:

Produkt: Download PAGE - Designstudium - Bewerbungsmappe und Eignungsprüfung - kostenlos
Download PAGE - Designstudium - Bewerbungsmappe und Eignungsprüfung - kostenlos
Erfolgreiche Mappengestaltung für Illustration und Kommunikationsdesign Studium.

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