ELLA is a studio in Los Angeles known for its exquisite graphic design and its objective of not just wanting to be problem solvers but aspiring to change the world through inclusiveness, understanding, and respect.
The name already says a lot about design studio ELLA. Simple just at first glance, it does not only contain its hometown LA, but also the feminine and the masculine, as well as the English and the Spanish. And like the name that speaks of diversity and of themselves, the work of the small studio, led by River Jukes-Hudson and Stephen Serrato, has a unique human quality, which is created through their social and political attitude and the decelerated work process they established.sd
How did you come up with such a complex name as ELLA? River Jukes-Hudson: When we started the business in 2013 we had a third partner, Dante Carlos, and initially called ourselves Love Triangle. But we realized that was a little too cute. (laughs) We wanted something that sounded feminine. Stephen Serrato: And definitely not the sort of witty design studio name. I mean, it’s fine, it’s just not for us.
River: We texted back and forth and talked about possibilities. Finally, ELLA came up and with it all the many things it can stand for.
Analog flicker: For Without Your Interpretation, the first major retrospective of video art pioneer Ulysses Jenkins, shown in Philadelphia and now at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles (until May 15), ELLA designed the catalog and several graphics