The sound of creative album covers
»It is hard to look past a bad cover and see good music,« says New York based Art Director at Ghostly International Molly Smith. Here you can listen to all the albums we talked about in our interview with her.

With Molly Pearson Smith, Art & Audio Manager at music label Ghostly International in New York, we talked about the creative process of cover design, current vinyl trends and how one cover shaped her life. The list below features all albums or tracks from our interview including her own cover artworks and Molly’s favorites.
Galcher Lustwerk – Information
Ghostly International 2019
Photography: Collin Hughes / Design: Justin Sloane / Art Direction: Molly Smith/Galcher Lustwerk
Brijean – Feelings / Day Dreaming
Ghostly International 2021
Artwork: Robert Beatty / Art Direction: Molly Smith
Heathered Pearls – Cast
Ghostly International 2020
Artwork: Jakub Alexander and family / Art Direction: Molly Smith and Jakub Alexandre
Various Artists – Thousands of Eyes in the Dark
Ghostly International 2019
Artwork: unknown author / Design: Michael Cina/ Art Direction: Molly Smith & Michael Cina
Mary Lattimore – Silver Ladders
Ghostly International 2020
Telefon Tel Aviv – Dreams Are Not Enough Album
Ghostly International 2019
Cover Calligraphie: Particula Universum / Art Direction: Molly Smith
Beacon – Marion
Ghostly International 2017
Artwork & Art Direction: Molly Smith
Leandro Fresco & Rafael Anton Irisarri – Una Presencia En La Brisa
A Strangely Isolated Place, 2020
Artwork: Molly Smith
Arthur Russell – Sketches For World Of Echo
Audika Records 2020
Photography: Alex Savello courtesy NRAO / Layout: Molly Smith
Sketches For World Of Echo: June 25 1984 Live At Ei by Arthur Russell
The Other People Place – Lifestyles Of The Laptop Café
Warp 2001
Artdirection & Artwork: Matt Pyke, The designers republic
kranky 2006
Artwork: Will Calcutt
Brian Eno – Another Green World
Island Records 1975
Artwork: Detail of Tom Phillips “After Raphale” / Typography: Bob Bowkett
Nick Drake – Pink Moon
Island Records 1971
Artwork: Michael Trevithick / Art Direction: Annie Sullivan
About Ghostly International

Heathered Pearls’ dog, Teo in front a Ghostly mural in New York, designed by Atlanta-based artist Jacob Escobedo
Ghostly International was founded in 1999 by Sam Valenti IV – then a freshman at the University of Michigan – and DJ Matthew Dear, whose first 12-inch vinyl “Hands Up For Detroit” had the catalogue number 1 (GHS-001). Ghostly International, based in Brooklyn, New York, now represents more than seventy artists, among them the legendary electro artists Adult, Dabrye, Shigeto or Osborne from Detroit or the German C418/Daniel Rosenfeld.
Ghostly defines itself as a music and art platform supporting high-quality work with integrity and individuality, putting special emphasis on collaboration with designers, visual artists, and technologists, continuously seeking new creative, multidisciplinary collaborations (see For example, the label hosts streaming events such as Ghostly Knowledge Share, during which experts share their knowledge with the community and participants share experiences and ideas.
Int. Collaborations
Ghostly also works regularly with brands such as the TV station Adult Swim, the furniture company Floyd, and the fashion brand Vans, and offers a wide range of offbeat merchandise from sneakers and record shelves through to marble sculptures.
Dieser Beitrag ist erstmals am 1. Februar 2021 erschienen.
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