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A message from earth

  "The ‘A Message From Earth’ project invites Bebo users to submit messages and pictures that consider the planet from a fresh perspective. Less Rain is responsible for creating the unique ‘A Message From Earth’


“The ‘A Message From Earth’ project invites Bebo users to submit messages and pictures that consider the planet from a fresh perspective.
Less Rain is responsible for creating the unique ‘A Message From Earth’ application, which is the first fully integrated rich media Bebo application created entirely in Flash. The application encourages users to compose messages in text, photo or drawing form. Users can vote on their favorite messages, with the top 500 making it into the galactic broadcast on October 9th. This digital time capsule is historically significant, being the first ever space transmission where the content has been democratically formed on the Internet.”


Produkt: Download PAGE - Grafiktabletts fürs Arbeiten unterwegs - kostenlos
Download PAGE - Grafiktabletts fürs Arbeiten unterwegs - kostenlos
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