New! English Version of »Experience Design« at IBM iX
In this PAGE Connect compendium you will find out how IBM iX is supporting their clients’ endeavors to offer up to date and coherent experiences to people. And which challenges for the design industry are arising out of this. Free download!

Nowadays, design is less and less about creating isolated products and services and more about the task of developing, executing, and implementing integrated experiences across all touchpoints. Simple interface design isn’t enough anymore – experience design calls for deep insights into the clients’ businesses, as well as their internal processes. Luckily, more and more companies are becoming aware of this and establish design competence at the top levels – and they ask for the support of experience professionals like IBM iX, the global digital and design agency of tech giant IBM.
“Good design is good business,” former IBM CEO Thomas Watson Jr. said back in the 1950s – and the company still adheres to this credo, now more than ever. The corporation has established a sustainable design culture and employs 3000 designers across the world. Many of them work for IBM iX, at ten locations in the DACH region, among others. In this PAGE Connect compendium you will find out how IBM iX is supporting their clients’ endeavors to offer up to date and coherent experiences to people. And which challenges for the design industry are arising out of this.
If you feel like exploring more creative competencies and topics, check out the other compendia of our PAGE initiative Connect Creative Competence. There, you will find more information in the form of articles, videos, and edossiers. Creative Competence is in demand like never before!
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