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"Spoke POV is an easy-to-make electronic kit toy that turns your bicycle wheel into a customized display! The project includes a free schematic design, open software for uploading and editing stored bitmap images, and a high-quality kit with all the


Spoke POV is an easy-to-make electronic kit toy that turns your bicycle wheel into a customized display! The project includes a free schematic design, open software for uploading and editing stored bitmap images, and a high-quality kit with all the parts necessary to build your own.

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Produkt: Download PAGE - Grafiktabletts fürs Arbeiten unterwegs - kostenlos
Download PAGE - Grafiktabletts fürs Arbeiten unterwegs - kostenlos
Ratgeber Zeichentablett mit Praxistests Wacom Cintiq Companion, Microsoft Surface Pro sowie iPad Pro, Apple Pencil & Co

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