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Urban screens in 3D

"HypoSurface display systems are modular plug-and-play devices, designed for ease of transportation, installation and use. We ship as many modules as you need, and all the necessary equipment. A HypoSurface technician comes for the duration of the


“HypoSurface display systems are modular plug-and-play devices, designed for ease of transportation, installation and use. We ship as many modules as you need, and all the necessary equipment. A HypoSurface technician comes for the duration of the event to supervise and instruct on all aspects of its usage.”


Produkt: PAGE 11.2020
PAGE 11.2020
Happy Brands ++ Genderless Design ++ Hybride Business Reports ++ Posterserie & AR-App zu New York ++ Modulares Schriftsystem Q Project ++ Marken-Refresh für die Deutsche Bahn ++ Joy of Use im UX Design ++ Was die Kreativszene bewegt ++ PAGE EXTRA »Print, Paper & Finishing«

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