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Interactiondesign: Performative Ecologies by Ruairi Glynn

"'Performative Ecologies' examines the potential of responsive environments to engage in gestural and performative forms of non-verbal communication and conversation. This explorative project based over a series of iterative installations considers how


“‘Performative Ecologies’ examines the potential of responsive environments to engage in gestural and performative forms of non-verbal communication and conversation. This explorative project based over a series of iterative installations considers how architecture could enter into a dialog with its inhabitants and surrounding built environment. How can we, with the aid of increasingly cheap and powerful responsive technologies, build an architecture capable of Interacting with rather than Reacting to, human and wider environmental activity?”


Produkt: Download PAGE - Ausstellungsdesign - Cases, Insights, Perspektiven - kostenlos
Download PAGE - Ausstellungsdesign - Cases, Insights, Perspektiven - kostenlos
73 Seiten Making-ofs, Projekte und Überblicksartikel zu den Themen Ausstellungsdesign und Szenografie – klassisch, interaktiv, virtuell

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