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Supria Sans kostenlos testen


upria Sans heißt die neue, umfangreiche Schriftfamilie von Hannes von Döhren. Zum Ausprobieren bietet er zwei Schnitte als Freefont an.

Supria Sans Regular und Supria Sans Regular Italic kann man bei MyFonts kostenlos bestellen. Wer dann auf den Geschmack gekommen ist, und weitere Schnitte oder gleich die ganze Familie kauft, bekommt zusätzlich ein gedrucktes Poster. Das Angebot gilt bis zum 28. Februar.

Supria Sans™ is an extended family of 36 fonts designed by Hannes von Döhren. It contains two widths, six weights and three styles, including the curvy, feminine Italic as well as the more conventional Oblique. Although it is inspired by the utilitarian clarity of Swiss type design, subtle curves and fine detailing impart a more playful character to the whole Supria Sans family. 

Used together, Supria Sans and Supria Sans Condensed become much more than just a versatile and functional workhorse – ideal for resolving complex design issues with elegance and sophistication.

Supria Sans™ is equipped for complex, professional typography. As an exclusively OpenType release, these fonts feature small caps, five variations of numerals, arrows and an extended character set to support Central and Eastern European as well as Western European languages.

We designed some specimen posters for the Supria Sans™ type system. 
The Posters are printed with the new HKS 3000+ Colours: 
HKS 10 N 90-10, HKS 40 N 80-10 & HKS 88.

How to get them: 
01 Buy any weight of Supria Sans. 
02 Write an email with your order number to:
03 Receive your posters.
Produkt: Download PAGE - Typografie für Screens von klein bis winzig - kostenlos
Download PAGE - Typografie für Screens von klein bis winzig - kostenlos
Small-Screen-Typografie: Lesbarkeit, Schriftgrößen, Brand- & Corporate Design

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