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Intelligente Rechenroutinen in Design und Development

Generative AI: Wie die Kreativindustrie untergeht und Sie überleben

Keynote von Prof. Peter Kabel, aus der Digitalkonferenz MOONOVA

Peter Kabel spricht auf der Moonova über das Thema Generative AI

So könnt ihr teilnehmen

Die Keynote ist Bestandteil der digitalen Konferenz MOONOVA, an der ihr vom 14. bis zum 16. März 2023 kostenlos teilnehmen könnt. Das heißt, ihr könnt ganz bequem remote dabei sein: Einfach registrieren und zum passenden Zeitpunkt einloggen.

Start der Keynote: 15.03.2023 um 11:15 Uhr

Mehr zu Prof. Peter Kabel

Serial entrepreneur and teaching professor – online from the outset. Founder of several companies in the area of media, technology and design – among others: Kabel New Media, Trendbüro, Büro Hamburg. 2004-2007 Member of the board of Jung von Matt AG.

Founding partner of Lakshmi GmbH a vc-firm based in based out of Hamburg, consultant and investor in 30+ digital ventures in Europe, US and India. Founder of AECAL GmbH which is bridging between India and Europe with focus on the digital ecosystem. Networked and knowledgeable in Digital Branding, Online Content and Marketing, Product and Service Design, Mobile, Digital Transformation, Startups and Growth.

Full professor at HAW Hamburg, teaching Interaction Design, Service Design. Implementing numerous innovation initiatives (i.e. Design Thinking, Design Hackathon, Peer Learing, Physical Computing for Designers, Rapid Prototyping). Research projects in the field of AI and the creative industries (, as well as the implications of natural language processing and VoiceAI for the human machine interface.

Founding Partner a platform for CreativeAI tools curated for users from the creative communities. Author of articles and books, speaker at conferences and recipient of many mentions for innovation and creativity.


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Download PAGE - 10 Fragen, die Kreative heute bewegen - kostenlos
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