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Traffic Jam Art Installation Staged in the Mountains

"It’s all about context. Meal with friends: normal. Meal with food gathered in a one mile radius: art. Traffic jam on highway: normal (and boring). Traffic jam in the Spanish mountains: art (and very curious). In 2005, artist Maider López


It’s all about context. Meal with friends: normal. Meal with food gathered in a one mile radius: art. Traffic jam on highway: normal (and boring). Traffic jam in the Spanish mountains: art (and very curious). In 2005, artist Maider López put the call out for willing participants to create an intentional car cluster muck in the Aralar Mountains. In response, more than 400 folks drove up to the countryside in 160 vehicles to get stuck. The result: an unexpected invasion to illustrate the automobile’s impact on the landscape.


Produkt: Download PAGE - Ausstellungsdesign - Cases, Insights, Perspektiven - kostenlos
Download PAGE - Ausstellungsdesign - Cases, Insights, Perspektiven - kostenlos
73 Seiten Making-ofs, Projekte und Überblicksartikel zu den Themen Ausstellungsdesign und Szenografie – klassisch, interaktiv, virtuell

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