THE APPARATJIK LIGHT SPACE MODULATORPerformances: 12 March and 26 March 2011 at 9pm, 27 March 2011 at 9pm special performance together with the Deutsches Kammerorchester BerlinTickets are available atapparatjik.
Performances: 12 March and 26 March 2011 at 9pm,
27 March 2011 at 9pm special performance together with the Deutsches Kammerorchester Berlin Tickets are available
Venue: Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Potsdamer Strasse 50, 10785 Berlin Opening Hours: Tue, Wed, Fri 10am–6pm, Thu 10am–10pm. Sat, Sun 11am–6pm, Mon Closed. Apparatjik has been invited by the Nationalgalerie Berlin to present the collective’s first large-scale project in Berlin in March 2011.
Apparatjik is a transdisciplinary working collective founded in 2008 by four world-renowned musicians: Jonas Bjerre (MEW), Guy Berryman (Coldplay), Magne Furuholmen (a-ha) and producer Martin Terefe. Apparatjik functions as an experimental multigenre platform and collaborates with media technicians, designers, scientists and various NGOs. Ute Meta Bauer (MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology) joins the collective on special occasions.
The Apparatjik Light Space Modulator combines an audiovisual installation and three unique concerts inspired by the visual experiments of László Moholy-Nagy, who taught at the German Bauhaus. The performance on March 27 is dedicated to Mies van der Rohe, architect of the Neue Nationalgalerie, on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of his birth.
The Apparatjik Light Space Modulator will be accompanied by an extensive publication in collaboration with NODE Berlin Oslo to be published in late 2011 including a comprehensive documentation of Apparatjik’s recent activities.