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New York

EVERYDAY UFOs, an exhibition of recent photography by Gregg Louis, will be on view in the project room at the Nohra Haime Gallery from March 16th through April 23rd.

EVERYDAY UFOs, an exhibition of recent photography by Gregg Louis, will be on view in the project room at the Nohra Haime Gallery from March 16th through April 23rd.

In his first solo exhibition in New York, Louis uses photography to construct uncanny images of UFOs out of found household objects such as light bulbs, TV antennas, dishes, plungers, etc. His process of arranging, stacking, and transposing these mundane objects against a black backdrop creates surreal images that humorously and sometimes eerily re-imagine everyday reality. By transforming these ubiquitous objects that typically fade into the background of our daily lives, Louis creates playful images that at once feel unique, familiar, and otherworldly.

(Bild oben: GREGG LOUIS, EVERYDAY UFO #2, 2010, archival inkjet print, ed. 8, 20 x 16 in. 50.8 x 40.6 cm.)

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